Embrace Your Creativity & Peace

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33 Quotes on Creativity, Writing & Inspiration

Give Sorrow Words: How Writing Heals

Rest in Times of Unrest Webinar + PDF

You'll receive tips on how you can create and find your peace no matter what’s going on. And you'll get sneak peeks into my life & how I work with the mystical to create the magical on Earth.

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Hello Creative One,

I’m Elizabeth and this is me on a stage with words from my page. I’ve been a creator since before the age of 7, a writer, a storyteller, a meditator with a deep mystical inclination. I have a Creative Muse that won’t let me sleep, who never ceases to feed me ideas. People call me an artist with the tools of healing, a compassionate listener, and a lightning rod for your creativity, laughter, and peace.

It is my joy to guide you in discovering the possibilities in your own life through creativity and storytelling. By entering the gentle, quiet, sacred space of your heart, you can uncover the pieces of your puzzle, messy life and all. This will empower you to create, play, and ultimately find peace and embrace restful living once more.

Ready to find peace and create and create and find peace? Join me on this adventure and let’s play together!