

To enhance creativity, laughter, and peace


The Four Wisdoms of Creativity
Listening to the Mystic Heart – Living from Inside Out

Journaling & Story

Journaling for Well-Being & Peace
Writing: Dreaming on Paper
Journaling & Story – To Renew, Refresh, Heal and Express
Story as the Fiber of Our Lives – Listen to the Story, Tell me a Story
Story & Space – Ode to Stretch in Expansive Ways & Waves
Storytelling and the Powers of Your Imagination

Healing & Meditation

Toning and the Art of Sound
The Power of Language, Mantra, and Silence
Healing Loss – Finding Joy
Meditation & Healing in the Pause
The Joy and Power of Prayer & Meditation

Women & Goddess Celebrations

Inspirations from the Goddess – Goddess in Every Woman
Women’s Visions, Women’s Voices – Celebrating your Stories as a Gift to a World in Need


The Four Wisdoms of Creativity

The Four Wisdoms of Creativity are four basic principles that operate all at once and yet any one of them alone has the power to change a life, to enhance creativity, and navigate the sometimes rocky-road of change. The tools drawn on tap both sides of the brain to give you a map for the direction you’d love to move in and explore. The Four Wisdoms assist you in remembering what you already know; that the source of creativity exists in you and in what you love. It also moves through the nourishing relationships, associations and experiences that enhance your life. Meditation and guided imagery are used to inspire greater creative balance.
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Listening to the Mystic Heart – Living from Inside Out

This workshop will address creativity from a spiritual perspective, from that sweet listening space inside your own self that is called the still small voice. You will learn about The Four Wisdoms of Creativity and experience practices to enhance intuitive development. Through meditation and work with symbols, dreams, poetry and prayer you will touch into the ongoing rhythm of your own heart to find answers to your queries, embracing creativity and mystery to discover the mystic in you. The action of creativity is birthed through the receptive, and so listening as creative action is honored.
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Journaling for Well-Being & Peace

A variety of journaling practices are introduced in this workshop to enhance creativity and clarity for yourself and your life’s direction. When you journal, stress is reduced, healing occurs naturally and your peace deepens. Dialogue and discussion about your unique creative processes are entertained so that you may soar freely with balance in your life.
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Writing: Dreaming on Paper

Writing: Dreaming on Paper invokes the writer within. Life experience, art, and the imagination are the muse to joyfully weave our tales and create. Dreaming on Paper enhances your appreciation for the words you write, and it bears witness to a peace and communion that opens and comes from the Soul.
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Journaling & Story – To Renew, Refresh, Heal and Express

Is there a story you’ve always wanted to tell? One that influenced or impacted your life with a revelation or awakening you’d like to share? Join us for an evening of inspiration as we drink from the stories that restore and inspire us to greater creative heights. Learn the 3 golden reasons to start a journaling practice. Play with the magic word box. Listen and write from your Voice of Compassion. And take a journey with your muse!
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Story as the Fiber of Our Lives

Listen to the Story, Tell me a Story We are made from the fiber of stories. We tell them all the time, but some are transcendent. Learn about the seven principles of stories and what story can do for you. Learn which of your stories give you greater access to your creativity, to healing, to peace. The stories that live, that you want to shout out to the world, that express joy and connect you to yourself and humanity.
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Story & Space

Ode to Stretch and Expansive Ways & Waves When you open and embody the space in and around your body with movement and sound, new designs, ideas and story-gems emerge. Join us for an afternoon of quiet meditation and movement, poetry-sound and prayer in motion to journal and story from a spaciousness that is inherent in our universe, and yet often forgotten. Creative and healing, our time together will be gentle, inspiring and peace-giving.
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Storytelling and the Powers of Your Imagination Storytelling

Storytelling and the Powers of Your Imagination Storytelling: as old as time itself. Through story, song and dance we have lived and loved, created community, celebrated, and grieved. If we take time to hear the story that wants to emerge, we will come to know ourselves in a deeper, richer way. Upon knowing ourselves in a fuller way, we shall know another and then another, until we know all the world. We will write stories and tell stories of fact or fiction, weaving color, sensation, rhythm and sound. We will build our stories in a relaxed and play-filled environment and experience them body, heart, mind, and soul.
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Toning and the Art of Sound

Toning and the Art of Sound offers an introductory overview of sound and vibration. We will examine how everyday sounds effects us as individuals and communities to renew and enhance our lives or to create disturbance for our hearts and minds. Rejoicing in the power of the voice, we will tone and speak the Word with rhythm and grace to rediscover the harmonizing magical effect sounds has to offer us to heal, rest, rejuvenate and express. The sounds of our voice are as unique as handprints and footprints. In our sounding ceremonies we honor our voices as gifts to our Selves and the worlds we walk through. “In the beginning was the stillness of all that is. The stillness moved and there was sound.”
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The Power of Language, Mantra, and Silence

Language has power to reframe, uplift and heal, and it has power to harm and wound. We will discuss the platitudes and concepts that suppress our creative nature, and we will investigate how we can infuse our words with new life that supports our wellbeing. You will learn about affirmations and mantras, sacred key syllables called bijaksharas, which hold power, knowledge, peace, and health. Finally, we will explore periods of silence, from where all language evolves.
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Healing Loss – Finding Joy

William Shakespeare said it best when he wrote, “Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o’er fraught heart and bids it break.” Grief is an emotion that needs to be expressed and have a witness in order to heal. Whether that witness be another person, words on a page, paint to canvas, a poem, a dance, a prayer or a song. Healing Loss – Finding Joy creates a safe space to deepen in our understanding of this profound emotion that touches every life whether we have experienced the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, health, creativity, the loss of safety, purpose, or peace. We will engage in writing practices and discussion that help us witness grief, that offer hope, and that open us to the Creative that is so important in times of sorrow.
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Meditation & Healing in the Pause

Healing happens in the in-between, in the pause, and between the breaths. Healing finds us in the listening space with no-thought, no expectation, no agenda. Meditation is the same. Enjoy being in the in-between. Learn basic meditation and healing techniques, while listening to your own dreams, your genius and intuition. Be prepared to be self-inspired.
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The Joy and Power of Prayer & Meditation

This workshop series addresses prayer and meditation not in a religious sense but as a spiritual path, as a way to hear your own heart. As a way to receive comfort, enhance intuition, and experience your own Knowing and peace. Spoken prayer, written prayer, sound prayer, body prayer, and drawing prayer are included. You will experience the power of prayer to release what no longer belongs in your life, to enter easily into the quiet and deepen meditation, to receive answers to questions and concerns, to sweetly embrace what is possible, and to pray for yourself, others and the world. We will celebrate, praise, and give thanks. All traditions are welcomed.

Ancient anointing oils will be introduced.
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Inspirations from the Goddess – Goddess in Every Woman

There is a Norwegian proverb that says “There is a Queen in every woman. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.”

I say there is a Goddess in every woman. Speak to Her and She will answer. Invoking the Goddess in yourself, you will dream and write, and listen to the story that inspires and urges you to move this way or that. You will learn seed syllables and mantras specifically related to the Goddess Saraswati and Lakshmi; two Goddess’ that can assist you in enhancing your peace, knowledge, creativity and wealth.
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Women’s Visions, Women’s Voices
~Celebrating Your Stories as a Gift to a World in Need~

Each of us have stories and dreams that will uplift, entertain, inspire and heal not only ourselves, but that are also gifts to a world in need. Journaling and storytelling is one way to access them. In this afternoon you will discover and learn about the healing power of story to renew and restore your cells and to re-story yourself. Learn basic journaling tips and practices to enhance creativity and create the life you love. Meditation and guided imagery are included.
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Come and Enjoy!

Sharing Wisdoms and Visions in Support of your Creative Gifts. Practices in the workshops are rejuvenating and fun.