Journaling for Well-Being & Peace
This workshop offers help and assistance to those who serve others. It assists professionals to offset their own feelings of overwhelm and burnout, while giving them tools with which to assist their clients. You will walk away with practices that bring comfort and inspiration, that help heal loss, and that enhance creativity.
This workshop is especially excellent and equally enjoyed by professionals in the service industries: educators, therapists, healers and artists, medical professionals: nurses and doctors, emergency workers: firemen, policemen, parole officers, and anyone who would prosper from playing in the wonderful rabbit hole of language and words to explore and express their vision and voice.
You will:
Learn the three golden reasons to start a journaling practice
Learn four basic journaling practices
Dialogue with The Voice of Compassion
Learn new ways to organize that are fun, engaging, and non-linear
Write from pain to possibility
Experience Meditation
Experience the contemplate side of journaling
Meet your creative Self
Journal to create
Grief and burdens are laid down
Creativity is enhanced
Your vision and voice are heard and supported
Peace deepens and mystery is embraced
Participants who have taken this workshop or series leave with a sense of direction, inspiration, and ease. They report feeling greater overall well-being and a deeper peace when the class is done.
(Can be presented as a workshop, a series of classes, lecture or keynote on the Healing Powers of Writing)