What Elizabeth Welles has accomplished with Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is astounding. This book is a specific guide to the world of journaling that offers the reader an opportunity to safely explore his or her interior and exterior worlds. Ms. Welles brings a compassionate, unique dimension, depth and breadth unlike any other book about journaling I have seen. Through her own generously shared personal experiences and process, she invites the reader to get a “feel” for their own spirit’s Knowing. The beautiful guided meditations are rich with metaphor and opportunity for both deep relaxation and stirring the creative spirit. Her gentle weaving of the body, mind, and soul in her own examples and those of other writers and thinkers, encourages the reader to venture into areas they would not normally go and go to willingly. The people who find this book will be able to dream on paper in ways never before realized, while deepening the peace at their core. Bravo for this fine and impressive work!