Journaling for Well-Being & Peace


by Elizabeth Welles
A Peace Communications Book

Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is the essential ‘how to’ book on journaling that shows you how to relieve stress and heal from loss, how to enhance your creativity and discover your vision and voice that are gifts to a world in need.

It is a personal testament to the powers of journaling that highlights the ‘Wisdom Body’ or the wealth of wisdom that informs us through the body; A rich resource that includes stories, practices, and seven meditations to empower you to live your most joyful and reverential life.

But more than a book on journaling, it’s a profound contemplative gem that glitters with practical down-to-earth wisdoms and insights — worth a read even if you never pick up a pen.

It offers the reader permission to begin their own journey down the rabbit hole into the wonderful world of words and body to heal and explore their own creative wealth, their vision and voice. The tools in Journaling for Well-Being & Peace will bring solace to the heart and awaken peace, while inspiring new pathways for creative endeavors. This specific guide to the world of journaling covers writing from healing and catharsis, to creativity, and writing as social action.


Read an Excerpt from the chapter Journaling Through Grief

Table of Contents

A Word about Journaling
What’s Meditation?
Your Sankalpa
Journaling Through Grief
Journaling Basics
A Sensory Meditation Relaxation
The Voice of Compassion
Visualization Meditation for Loving Kindness
Listening to the Wisdom Body
Writing from Your Wisdom Body
The Five-Element Body
Five-Element Meditation
When Emotional Challenges become Story-Wisdoms
Writing Prayer and Meditation
A Story-Sound, Space-Prayer Movement Meditation
Your Creative Expression
The Quality Meditation
Stories as the Fiber of Our Lives
The Art in Journaling
Breath of Celebration – Creativity in the Heart Meditation
You and the World
The Creative Body-Politic
Your Body of Peace Meditation
Creativity Feeds Creativity
A Musing on Doubt, Belief, Knowing and Peace
An Open Letter from The Spirit of Peace


What the Experts are Saying about Journaling for Well-Being & Peace


“What Elizabeth Welles has accomplished with Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is astounding. This book is a specific guide to the world of journaling that offers the reader an opportunity to safely explore his or her interior and exterior worlds. Ms. Welles brings a compassionate, unique dimension, depth and breadth unlike any other book about journaling I have seen. Through her own generously shared personal experiences and process, she invites the reader to get a “feel” for their own spirit’s Knowing. The beautiful guided meditations are rich with metaphor and opportunity for both deep relaxation and stirring the creative spirit. Her gentle weaving of the body, mind, and soul in her own examples and those of other writers and thinkers, encourages the reader to venture into areas they would not normally go and go to willingly. The people who find this book will be able to dream on paper in ways never before realized, while deepening the peace at their core. Bravo for this fine and impressive work!”
Dale Atkins, Ph.D., Psychologist, author of Sanity Savers: Tips for Women to Live a Balanced Life, commentator in the media and frequent guest expert on The TODAY Show

Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is the essential “how to” book on personal transformation through writing. Elizabeth Welles shows us how to traverse our own lives with fresh eyes that see magic in the mundane, hope in the grief and humor in just about everything. The writing exercises, personal insights and mindfulness practices, taken together, empower us to live our most joyful and reverential lives. It is truly a book of wisdom and love from a wonderfully gifted writer, teacher and actor. Brava!
Lauren Furst, President of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, and Founder of Pathways to Wealth

“Elizabeth Welles’ Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is a rich compendium of journaling practices that will take you on a lifelong exploration of your self – as you have been, as you are now, and as you might become in the future. These powerful practices will serve as expert guides as you plumb the depths of your past experiences to retrieve all of their hidden transformational treasures; pause in the present moment to fully appreciate intricate contours of your emotional/motivational body; and playfully create myriad possible future worlds to step into and ‘try on’.  Whether you’re on an established path of self discovery, or wish to carve out your own, this is one book you’ll want to have in your satchel.”
Peggy La Cerra, Ph.D., Evolutionary Neuroscientist, author of The Origin of Minds: Evolution, Uniqueness and the New Science of the Self and featured columnist for Spirituality and Health Magazine.

“A seamless blend of writing practices, meditations and personal stories, Journaling for Well-Being & Peace will not only nurture your creativity but bring you closer to the intuitive wisdom of your body, mind and soul.   A revelatory book!”
Prill Boyle, author of Defying Gravity: A Celebration of Late-Booming Women

Journaling for Well-Being & Peace is a rich resource of practical tools that show you the way back to your own creative wealth, your vision and voice. It is a manual for personal peace that will resonate in your life long after you have finished reading it.
Charlotte S. Hunter, US Director, Pocketful of Joy, Inc.

Elizabeth Welles understands our deepest need to feel connected, heard and understood. In Journaling for Well-Being & Peace she offers us paths to wholeness that nurture the psyche and soul.
Susan L. Atchison, founder of A Healing Soul, Ltd.[hr]

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Journaling for Well-Being & Peace
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Product Details

  • Paperback: 180 pages
  • Publisher: Peace Communications
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-9743998-1-2
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 9