Women Celebrate: The Gift in Every Moment

Women Celebrate: The Gift in Every Moment

Compiled and Edited by Elizabeth Welles

A Peace Communications Book
Price: $15.95

How does a woman cope with the loss of her husband at the tender age of twenty-four? How do two close friends continue their relationship when one of them becomes born again? What sexual awakening occurs for a twelve-year old girl when Al Pacino’s spit sprays her from the stage of American Buffalo? How do we find our voices, open to sexuality, heal from loss, and maintain a healthy body image?

These issues and more are explored in Women Celebrate, a rich collection of stories and poems by women celebrating the creative impulse moving their bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. It honors the vast array of experiences women journey through in order to reclaim their joy. Its contributors reflect our spectrum of being, coming from a cross-section of social, ethnic, religious, and professional backgrounds – a celebration in variety.

Mothers are buying it their daughters and best friends; young women are buying it for their mothers, cousins, grandmothers and aunts. In addition to the general women’s market, this book is finding its place on reading lists for women’s groups and study courses. And any man who wishes to better understand the women in his life will find this book an amazing revelation.

As a professional actress and naturally gifted speaker, Elizabeth Welles’ readings are spiced with entertaining, humorous, and inspirational stories about how this book came to be, what this book is about, and how to keep on keeping on when everything is falling apart.

Read a story from this book: Sunshine’s Smile


From the Introduction:

“Shortly after September 11, 2001, a date that is emblazoned on our consciences, I received an email that quoted an old Indian Proverb. “A nation is not lost as long as the women’s hearts are still high. Only when the women’s hearts are on the ground – then all is finished, and the nation dies. The women are the life carriers.” It is time, it has always been time, but it is now time more than ever, for women to come forth with our wisdom and knowledge, and our right to entitlement intact; entitlement that is not at the expense of another, but entitlement that lifts our Selves and all others up. A Norwegian proverb states, “There is a Queen in every woman. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.” Such Self-recognition is the gift. For we are the salt of the earth and the givers of life, whether we make babies, food, art, whether we run businesses or corporate America. We receive seed and we then give forth. We fold in and then burst in bloom. We create and we destroy. What a capacity we have to reclaim and own the beauty, strength and compassion that is naturally ours, and that we have come here, in the flesh, to celebrate. Our hearts may be bleeding and open, but they are not broken nor will not be trampled on the ground. The human heart, the largest container in the Universe, is a well without end able to hold all suffering and grief, beauty, laughter, and relief. We are strong in our vulnerabilities, unshakable in our collective resolve, and this landscape for celebration and honor of life is available not only to women, but to all people everywhere, right now. It is a landscape to be embraced as real in our hearts, for it already is.”  [hr]

What People Are Saying

Women Celebrate is a richly variegated collection of stories and poems about women becoming intimate with their own experiences. In reading them, I was reminded of one of life’s most elusive and valuable lessons: That it is only when we truly feel the full range of emotional texture in our lives that we begin to sense the shape of our real self. Somewhere in this volume is the inspiration for every woman to more deeply explore the contours of her being.
Peggy La Cerra, Neuroscientist and Author,
“The Origin of Minds: Evolution, Uniqueness and the New Science of the Self”

By weaving women’s stories into a creative and compelling tapestry, Elizabeth Welles affirms the healing power of gentle truth, and reminds us to live fully, embracing life in all its many colors. Women Celebrate is a stirring and insightful accomplishment.
Carrie Gibson, Author, “Crossing the Bridge”

Women Celebrate sings of beauty and a sense of what it is to be human.
A Contributor

Like steak and eggs for a woman’s soul.

How to Order

Women Celebrate
ISBN: 0-9743998-0-9
A Peace Communications Book
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Product Details

  • Paperback: 179 pages
  • Publisher: Peace Communications
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0-9743998-0-9
  • Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.5 x 0.5 inches