~ One-on-One Consulting ~
Why hire a one-on-one consultant?
Because sometimes you need a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk things over with, a mentor, a consultant, a coach and a guide. Someone who has your best interests in mind and listens to you compassionately and openly, to intuitively guide you in accordance with your highest creative well-being.
Consulting work varies from person to person because no two individuals are alike. Therefore no two sessions are alike.
Here are a few examples of ways in which we can work together:
Meditation-by-Design is a series of three sessions to create a meditation specifically for you.
Sacred Ceremony and Ritual is a series of three sessions to create ritual designed with your needs in mind, while opening a space for inner serenity.
Compassionate Communication mentoring addresses communication and empathy for yourself and in your relationships, personally or professionally.
Creativity and Peace Coaching includes journaling/meditation/The Four Wisdoms of Creativity, and more! to decrease your stress and enhance your creativity.
What’s the end result of a session or a series of sessions?
The end result is that your creativity is enhanced. Stress is reduced and your sense of peace is deepened. You will feel inspired and productive from the inside out, knowing that the source of your creativity is an unstoppable benevolent force found out beyond the field of right or wrong.* Recognizing, honoring and embracing your vision and voice, you will gain confidence sensing a new authorship for your life. That get-up-and-go feeling that knows what action to take returns because you will know the direction to move in — not from any outer authority but from an inner understanding that your dreams, your visions and goals are worth pursuing, are gifts to yourself and to a world in need. From this knowing, a sense of sovereignty and peace return.
How do you do this?
We address questions like: What you would love to create in your life? What is the next step in your life or in the life of your business or organization that will amplify its creative potential?
We look at the Creative Principles that already act in your life or the life of your business. Then we move into expanding possibilities with positive appreciative questions. You will be heard at a level you have not been heard at before, and you will learn to hear your own intuitive voice at a level you have not heard it at before. You will find the steps and actions that easily move you beyond polarized thinking, the steps that will take you into your clear, creative center.
The practices we use include meditation, relaxation and guided imagery, practices that enhance intuitive development. Sometimes we work with writing and journaling. Sometimes we work with sound and movement: Toning, mantra, affirmation, and when suitable or invited, non-denominational prayer. We accent your strengths to gently move you in the direction that gives you energy.
It’s all in the listening.
Who is this work appropriate for?
The individuals I have worked with have been in every field from advertising executives to retired professionals, artists, young mothers and homemakers, creative people who are temporarily blocked, people in transition, the stressed and the grieving. I have worked with atheists and fundamentalists, in person and by phone.
Corporations, medical groups, and women’s groups have used this work to reduce stress in themselves and their organizations while enhancing their creativity.
What’s the bottom line?
Peace. You walk away with a feeling of peace and relaxation,
knowing a deeper level of comfort, creativity, and compassion for yourself.
You have a sense of authorship and strength that guides you in your life.
*Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. —Rumi
What People Are Saying
“Elizabeth helped me regain my confidence and focus. A session with Elizabeth is like taking a two week vacation.”
– Beth Salamon, Advertising Adm. Assistant
“Elizabeth combines a compassion for people with a true gift for healing that is rare to find.”
– Richard Lipton, Television Producer
“In my life of deadlines, shoulds, and have to’s, Elizabeth is the fresh air which fills my being with peace.”
– Cidny Klein, Painter