How to Rest in 4 Easy Steps

How to Rest in 4 Easy Steps

My mom, Cathy, was a great rester and is the inspiration behind REST. She started meditating for an hour a day when I was a young girl. As a teenager, I joined her in meditation, which became a lifelong practice. But beyond meditation, my mom knew how to go into a...
Companioning Philosophy ~ Help in Grief

Companioning Philosophy ~ Help in Grief

Companioning Philosophy Dr. Wolfelt’s 11 Tenets of Caring for the Bereaved by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. loss, com Companioning the bereaved is not about assessing, analyzing, fixing or resolving another’s grief. Instead, it is about being...
A Day to be Called Home

A Day to be Called Home

If life is a movie, Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM must have been the scene where one is called home. I took my mom to the doctor’s office. It was nothing serious. JG, our trusty caregiving friend, came with us. The first good chair in the doctor’s reception area sits...
When Pee Becomes A Pleasant Distraction

When Pee Becomes A Pleasant Distraction

I thought I was helping a friend over the phone when he interrupted me abruptly. I didn’t mind the interruption. I didn’t mind the abruptness. But the tone of voice was harsh, almost angry, and definitely impatient – and I felt hurt. My solar plexus hurt. I did the...
On Compassion for Caregivers ~ The Angels of Earth

On Compassion for Caregivers ~ The Angels of Earth

  If you are inclined to get on Creative Compassion, formerly The Story Circle, and receive meditations, stories and art, please sign up today. Access to a 15-minute video meditation towards the end of this post is available to you. It was created to help you...
When You Are a Caregiver, Where Does the Art Fit In?

When You Are a Caregiver, Where Does the Art Fit In?

Holy Ground It doesn’t. It doesn’t. And if you’re someone like me, who needs a good amount of mental spaciousness and a place free of clutter, so your mind and imagination can soar, then it never fits in. It doesn’t. But you dutifully try until you wonder if you even...